Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Temptation at its Finest

She dismounts and drunkenly ambles toward me
Drunk off the blood she has spilt
Blood of my friends and family
Blood of strangers and my enemies
Her words come and lacerate my body with their malicious
"Serve my master and you will have all you set eyes on."
I refuse and she disappears
Now it is only me and the beast
She came on
It changes form, from a serpant
To a three-headed hound
And finally into a monstrous red dragon
Its brimstone tainted breath knocks me
To the ground as its offer remains
"Serve me and you will have all you set eyes on."
My refusal is weak but just as strong
The beast leaps at me and intends to kill me
Suddenly, a sharp, double-edged sword falls from above
Piercing the beast
It screams an earth shattering scream
As it too disappears
I have been saved

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