Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Savior's Peace

Leave me
You're the ones who deem his living unworthy of life
His figurement disgusts your eyes
You're blind to the truth he speaks so well
Beating his bones with a rusty nail
This hell you've plunged him into severe
Feeding this terra, his blood a tear
Sincere are the words that empty his kiss
Flagrant misconduct he seems to dismiss
Don't wish that he were not hung on that tree
Darkening visage for you, for me
This scene we dream up in utter despair
Proving ourselves his worse to our fair
Take care that you do not just say you're his own
And saying, not doing, but speaking alone
While combing the streets of sin and distaste
There isn't much time, now run, make haste
Your pace is sluggish, why do you tarry
He's calling to you from under the cherry
Now hurry, run fast, it's time to go home
And listen as I sing your favorite song

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