Wednesday, July 2, 2008

On Ghosts

Everyone knows ghosts are spirits. The energies left behind from someone's life after it has ended. Right?

Can we prove that? Is there actual, physical, tangible proof that ghosts exist and, if so, that they are the dearly departed?

If there is not proof, can we deny the plethora of people who swear they have had an "experience" or "encounter"? Of course not! Just thinking about such nebulous beings puts most humans' hair on end. The thought of being watched and followed without being able to return the favor down right frightens us.

But, what if I told you ghosts weren't actually spirits, but aliens? That's right. Outer space, little green men, "not of this world" aliens. Who's to say that a universe wandering, ethereal being didn't come to find Earth a nice, cozy home in the cosmos? That being is now preying on humans by extracting memories from their past and "haunting" them.

But what about ghosts of people you've never met before? Ah, there's a conundrum. But, what if these beings lifespan were several centuries or even millenia, Earth time? Then, add in the theory that these beings have the capability for memory. They now have the capacity to mimic anything and everything they have ever encountered.

Is that so outlandish? Is a wandering spirit more believable than a wandering alien? I'll let you decide that.

Sweet dreams.

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