Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Fall

Wait a moment while I bend over backwards for you
The shear force of your presence is enough to seperate me from myself
The stress you cause is ever increasing
And I don't think I can handle much more

So what do I do?

I jump.
I jump, but not just anywhere
I go head over heels, arms flailing and feet kicking, into the forest
The tree branches bite and tear at me
The thorns grab me as my clothes and my pride
Are torn away
I keep falling through the forest
In from the top
Out through the bottom
Into the vast ocean
Waves beat me
Winds chill my heart and soul as I go where the current takes me
I am swept onto the shore where I give in to the darkness

I awake to a voice

A familiar voice
I've never heard before
It beckons me
I follow it back into the ocean with hope
Back through the forest without fear
Out the top and right back to where I started

I look into the face from whence the voice issues
And I see you
I see you, but I see everyone else too
They smile and call to me
I retake my place and find my strength has returned
Not only returned
But has become even greater than before
I can go on
I will go on
I must
Thank you

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